North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas Website
North Dakota
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
website WELCOME
by: Mary Baer State Regent
Welcome to the North Dakota Catholic Daughters Website.
The foundation of Catholic Daughters is the integration of spirituality and service. Belonging to this sisterhood is a wonderful experience; it is special to belong to an organization where all the members hold so many similar beliefs and values. If there is a court in your town, please feel free to contact the local Regent listed on the website or contact one of the State Board members listed on the website - we would be more than happy to visit with you about this wonderful organization. If you are in a town that does not have a Catholic Daughter Court and you think that there may be an interest in starting one there please contact me or another member of the State Board and we would be happy to visit with you about that possibility.
For those of you that are already members - as I said before, I challenge each of you to bring in at least one new member during this term of 2021-2023.
In Unity and Charity,
Mary Baer State Regent