
 North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas Website

49th Biennial North Dakota State

Catholic Daughters of the Americas Convention:

"Guided by the Light of Christ"


April 24th, 25th, and 26th, 2015

Hosted by Court St. Ann #261
Ramada Plaza & Suites
    1635 42nd St. S.
    Fargo, ND


photo by Mary Kennedy

State Chaplain Rev. Franklin Miller, 2nd Vice Regent Mary Baer, 1st Vice Regent Laurel Ann Dukart, Bishop John Folda,

Regent Kathy Kennedy, Treasurer Deb Johnson,

and Secretary Bonita Erickson

photo by Mary Kennedy

Newly installed ND State Officers: Secretary, Bonita Erickson;

2nd Vice Regent, Mary Baer; Regent, Kathy Kennedy;

1st Vice Regent, Laurel Ann Dukart; and Treasurer, Sarah Torpen.

photo by Joan Scheett

National Supervisor, Vickie Feist installing

State Chaplain, Rev. Franklin Miller

photos by Mary Kennedy and Joan Scheett

      photo by Joan Scheett

Bishop John Folda, at Vocations Mass

photo by Mary Kennedy 

Newly installed State Officers: Bonita Ericson, Mary Baer,

Kathy Kennedy, Laurel Ann Dukart and Sarah Torpen with National Supervisor Vickie Feist, Honor Guard, Celebrants,

Mass Servers and Knights of Columbus