
 North Dakota Catholic Daughters of the Americas Website

Catholic Daughter of the Americas
State of North Dakota State Scrapbook Guidelines

Court Scrapbook

 'wonderful memories'

    1.     Courts may use scrapbook covers of their choosing.
            a. official Catholic Daughter scrapbook covers are no longer available through the national office

    2.     First page (Title page): Front side of this page only is used. It should contain only the following:
            a.    Court name and Court number
            b.    city
            c.    name of regent(s) holding office in this time period
            d.    number of members in the Court
            e.    CDA emblem

    3.     Present material covering the activities of the Local Court utilizing both sides of the page.

    4.    Only events from April 1st of the year of the previous State Convention (2015) to March 31st of the              year of the current State Convention (2017) are to be included.

    5.    Written material may include, but is not limited to:
            a.    invitations
            b.    programs
            c.    thank you notes
            d.    letters
            e.    newspaper clippings
            Anything that is of importance to the individual Court should be included.

    6.    Include date and names of people in pictures.

    7.    All material used must be in chronological order of events. Items pertaining to one event are to be             assembled together.

    8.    The scrapbook should be neat and have a pleasing appearance. Space should be used efficiently,              no crowding.

    9.    Boarders and artwork may be used, but not so much that it will distract from the pictures.

     State Scrapbook Chairman:
         Sue Pettersen